#1 Electric Scooter Knowledge-base

CO2 Calculator

Based on data from this article, we have created this calculator. CO2…


The most complete buying guide for electric scooters

I am proud to have written the most comprehensive buying guide for electric scooters! With accurate and up-to-date information, the guide helps you in finding a perfect electric kickbike for yourself or for others.

All you need to know

The buying guide covers all topics as well as side topics and questions which arise.

Expert opinion and knowledge

A guide written by a true rider! All words in the guide are written from expert rider experience and knowledge so you can trust it.

Always improving

The guide is continously updated for the most accurate information to be available, even with recommended electric scooters in different price-ranges.

“I am Tom, an electric scooter adventurer who wants to share my knowledge and have more people riding eco friendly”

With thousands of miles of joyful riding, I felt I needed to share my experience with the world. That’s when this blog was born! Today I get help from Sarah and David as well, who also enjoy riding electric scooters around like myself.

Electric Scooter Wizard

Take our quiz / wizard to find out which one suits you the best.

Some of the questions we receive, and answer!

Gift-idea for electric scooters

“What gift can I buy for an electric scooter owner? Do you have any gift-ideas?”


Electric scooter for kids

“Which electric scooter models are better for kids aged 12?”


Best helmet for pits

“Riding in skate-pits all the time, which helmet is best?”​


Best scooter under 2000 USD

“Which electric scooter is best under $2000 for commuting?”​


Lock for electric scooters

“What are the best locks for electric scooters?”​


Read up on electric scooters

Beginner? Start with our popular guide!